"Significant differences have been observed between the forms of violence suffered by women and men in each living space. In the marital context, if the violence suffered by men is mainly manifested in its psychological form representing 94%, that against women is distributed in different forms, (69% psychological, 12% economic, 11% physical and 8% sexual)," says the HCP, which has recently published a note on the "Differentiation of violence between women and men and its male perception."
The psychological violence which ranks first in all living spaces, represents, in the family context, nearly three quarters of the violence undergone, as well by the women as by the men, the same source stresses, noting that the distribution of the other forms of violence is contrasted by gender.
In fact, for women, the second position in this context concerns economic violence with 17% (against 6% for men), while for men, this position is attributed to physical violence with 19% (against 7% for women).
In other contexts, sexual violence accounts for 21% of violence against women in the workplace (compared to 2% for men), 37% in educational and training institutions (compared to 14% for men) and 42% in public places (compared to 8% for men).
In this note, the HCP highlights the main differences in the manifestations of violence for women and men and the perceptions of the latter with regard to this violence for a better understanding of the phenomenon in its different contexts and forms.