"The second half of Ramadan shows a more pronounced increase in consumer food prices compared to the first (0.8%, instead of 0.4% respectively)," says the HCP in a note on the evolution of consumer prices during the holy month.
The most affected products are fresh fish, eggs, and citrus fruits, notes the HCP, announcing price increases ranging between 5.6% and 2.5%.
Prices of fresh fruit should increase by 1.9%, while those of red meat, poultry and vegetables excluding tomatoes are not significant.
The change in household habits, especially in terms of food consumption, is the main factor in the evolution of consumer prices, it added.
During the month of Ramadan, most industries experience a slowdown in productivity due, in part, to the reduction in daily working hours.
The time spent on household errands and domestic activities is increasing compared to normal periods, particularly in cities and among women (+47 minutes), HCP concludes.