In a statement, the ministry expressed its astonishment at the "incomprehensible slander" reported by some national newspapers, which referred to a professional representation of the tourist transport claiming that the Department is procrastinating on the grievances of road transport professionals, especially in the tourism transport sector.
The ministry also reaffirmed its permanent openness to discuss and examine all the constraints experienced by the road transport sector in general, and the tourist transport in particular, part of a process of continuous institutional dialogue with all the professional representations of the sector.
This process is evidenced by the large number of meetings held by the Ministry's services with professional representations of tourism transport, the statement said.
In response to claims falling within the remit of the Ministry as some of them do not fall within its field of intervention and concern other governmental and economic sectors, the Department amended the ministerial ruling specifying the characteristics and the conditions of equipment of vehicles assigned to tourism transport, which was published in the Official Gazette of July 06, 2020.
Part of the support of the sector to overcome the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a program has been developed to support economic and professional sectors supervised by the Ministry.
Concerning the tourism transport sector, the said program provides for the extending, by an additional year, the operating time of vehicles assigned to tourism transport holding an operating license before January 6, 2020.
Part of continuing dialogue with representatives of the sector, and given the improvement of the epidemiological situation in Morocco, the Ministry has held meetings with representatives of the international transport sector and the sector of goods transport, while scheduling a meeting with representatives of the tourist transport sector, before the end of March 2021, the statement concluded.