Given the various questions that Moroccans are wondering about, the website "", set up by the health ministry is bringing answers to enlighten the public opinion, notably on the vaccines chosen by Morocco and the whole vaccination process.
The vaccine can save millions of lives:
Vaccines help human bodies stimulate and prepare the immune system to recognize and fight against their targeted viruses. In the case of a subsequent exposure to the same pathogen, the organism is ready to get rid of it which will prevent the disease.
As a public health intervention, vaccination showed its efficiency in the prevention of deaths and disabilities resulting from numerous contagious diseases like Diphtheria, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis, Pertussis, Measles ....
Covid-19 vaccination is an opportunity:
The Covid-19 vaccination represents an opportunity to ensure an individual and collective protection. Getting vaccinated is a way to protect oneself and other people. However, a collective immunity will only be possible if the majority is vaccinated, that is an 80% of the population nationally.
Vaccination could avoid infection and complications:
This vaccine offers protection against the SARS-CoV2 virus that causes Covid-19. This vaccine will help the immune system to memorize its first contact with the used antigen. In the case of viral contamination, the speed of recognition and the intensity of the specific immune response will prevent infection or its complications.
The efficiency of the vaccine used by Morocco is confirmed:
The security and the efficiency of the vaccines, adopted by Morocco for the anti-Covid19 vaccination campaign, were confirmed with clinical trials carried out in Morocco and in other countries. In this regard, a high-level scientific committee is monitoring this process.