In this new edition, the magazine lauded, in its editorial entitled "Humanism, this true and unique indestructible heritage", the dedication and sacrifice of the health staff "who gave their lives while trying to save people affected by Covid-19", stressing that the example given by these physicians is the real legacy to be handed down to new generations who will take over, at all levels, to give back to social relations that humane substance without which life would no longer have meaning.
Signed by the editorial staff of the magazine "Challenge" which honors healthcare workers and their families, this editorial noted that this dedication contrasts with the international reality characterized by human drought, adding that international humanism and solidarity are again put to the test of a reality which one believed to have changed.
The author deemed that the success of this choice made by Morocco, concerning the generalization of the medical coverage over the next 5 years, is closely linked to the adoption of a new inclusive approach to the informal economy.
Regarding the issue on the cover of the magazine, it presents, over ten pages, a group photo of these men and women, "general practitioners, professors of medicine, gynecologists or dermatologists, killed by the coronavirus while they were treating patients", as well as testimonies from their colleagues, still in the battlefield against the pandemic.
On this matter, the journalist Jamal Berraoui wrote, in memory of these seventy practitioners who have paid with their lives, that by "paying tribute to them, we respect a duty. That of bowing before those who have accepted the risk of a supreme sacrifice for others".