In 2019, the sector created 43.7% of national wealth in 2019 against 43/6% a year before, stressed the HCP in its information brief on the institutional sector accounts for 2019.
The national economy totaled MAD 1,151.2 million in GDP for the previous year, i.e. a 3.9% increase of 3.9% compared to 2018, the same source said, stressing that the contribution of public administrations amounted to 15.3% of GDP, while the contribution of households and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) stood at 29.3% of GDP.
Tax on net subsidies on products and imports declined by 0.2 percentage points compared to 2018, the HCP added.
The Gross National Income Available (GNI) has increased by 3.6% in 2019, reaching MAD 1,203.4 billion. The improvement in GNI is due to an increase in gross disposable income of 3.7% for corporations ( financial and non-financial), 4% percent for households and NPISHs, and 2.5% for public administration.
Thus, the contribution of institutional sectors to the GNI was of 62.6% for households and NPISHs, 22.2% for general government and 15.2% for corporations (2.3% for financial corporations).
The document also shows a growth of gross disposable income (GDI) of households by 4%, reaching MAD 743 billion in 2019. The contribution of employees' compensation to this income reached 47.7%.