It concerns a framework agreement on the promotion of inclusive education for people with disabilities, signed between the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and Family, the Ministry of National education, vocational training, higher education and scientific research and the Ministry of Health.
This agreement aims to strengthen the legal and institutional framework, broaden the school offer for inclusive education for people with disabilities, develop the pedagogical model of inclusive education and supervise educational services for rehabilitation, training and occupational therapy offered by associations, in addition to the establishment of national training programs and contributing to raising the awareness and mobilization of the various stakeholders and partners concerned.
The second partnership agreement, aimed at supporting and facilitating professional integration, as well as encouraging self-employment initiatives for the benefit of people with disabilities, was signed between the Ministry of Solidarity, social development, equality and family, the Ministry of Labor and Professional Integration, the Entraide nationale, the Social Development Agency, the National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and skills and the Cooperation Development Office.
It is meant to build the capacities of people with disabilities, to ensure their professional integration and to support them in creating small businesses and income-generating activities, to back the capacities of human resources working in the field, to mobilize additional resources to support the professional integration of people with disabilities, in addition to the various programs and public initiatives that support the holders of income-generating projects.