According to the ranking of the most attractive economic zones in the world for the year 2020 "FDI's Global Free Zone of the Year", Tangier Med Zone was ranked 2nd world economic zone after "Dubai Multi Commodities Center", in the United Arab Emirates, while it was ranked 5th in 2019, said the Tangier-Med group in a press release.
The report compares nearly 100 economic zones according to international benchmarks and measures the suitability of their offer to investors' expectations.
The 3rd spot in this global ranking went to "Katowice Special Economic Zone" in Poland, and the 4th to "Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone" in China, it said.
This is the first time that an African zone holds a high spot in this world ranking, which testifies to the tremendous rise of the network of activity zones developed by Tangier Med, the most important industrial-port complex in Africa, located at the Strait of Gibraltar, underlined the press release.
On this occasion, the Moroccan port complex obtained other important awards including the 1st world prize "Large Tenant" for the category of large investment projects, the mention "Specialism Award in Automotive" and the 1st African prize for SMEs "Free Zone of the Year for SME's", added the same source.
Tangier Med Zones is built over an area of 2,000 HA and includes six activity zones for the automotive, aeronautics, logistics, textiles and trade industries. It comprises more than 1,000 companies representing an annual export business volume of 85 billion dirhams in 2019 and generates, to date, nearly 80,000 jobs.
This regional competitiveness platform, backed by the leading port complex in Africa and the Mediterranean, has significant assets and guarantees a value proposition in line with the expectations of global stakeholders.