These Trophies are part of the "La France une chance. Les entreprises du Val d’Oise s’engagent!" which celebrates the commitment of inspiring, civic companies which are mobilized for inclusion in employment.
Digital France School won the equal opportunities trophy in the training category. This award was presented to its founding president Mahjoub Bayassine, by the prefect of Val d'Oise, in the Paris region, during a ceremony held last Thursday at the prefecture.
"I am proud to have received this Trophy", said Mahjoub Bayassine, expert in Artificial Intelligence and Social Innovation. "Participating in the 1st edition of the Societal Commitment for Employment Inclusion Trophies is contributing to the dynamic of national mobilization, and promoting its values, image, and employer brand," he told MAP.
"In 2021, Digital France School will train 150 people without a diploma, free of charge, with PrépaDigital and an artificial intelligence platform in partnership with AI start-ups, and partner universities and by mobilizing companies and 400 young people in the context of Digital Youth Program”, he added.