El Otmani, who was chairing an international forum on the efforts of Morocco in the economic empowerment of women and girls in Morocco, held at the initiative of the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and the Family on the occasion of the national day of Moroccan women (October 10), said that the government ensures a cultural, social, legal and economic environment favorable to the empowerment of women and girls, underling the need for all stakeholders to join efforts in order to achieve the government’s objectives in this area.
The head of government stressed that the national day of the Moroccan woman coincides with the anniversary of the speech of HM King Mohammed VI at the opening of the second legislative year of the 7th legislature 2003, announcing the reform of the Family Code.
El Otmani noted in this regard that the reform of the Family Code is a "historic step" for the promotion of women's rights, their empowerment and their protection against all forms of violence and discrimination.
The head of government underlined that the high Royal guidelines represent a roadmap so as to improve the situation of Moroccan women and girls and ensure their constitutional rights, while welcoming the committed activism of civil society associations in promoting the empowerment of Moroccan women.
For her part, Minister of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and Family, Jamila El Moussali, said that the "Maroc Attamkine" program falls within the framework of the constitutional provisions and commitments contained in the government’ program for the 2016-2021 legislative mandate, in particular those aimed at "strengthening the economic inclusion of women and their empowerment in the area of development" and is in harmony with the objectives of sustainable development and the axes of the government plan for equality relating to the economic empowerment of women.
El Moussali highlighted on this occasion the national legislation related to women’s empowerment, in particular the reform of the Family Code, the 2011 Constitution, the adoption of Law No. 103.13 relating to violence against women and Law No. 19.12 establishing the working and employment conditions of domestic workers.
The Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and the Family has developed, in a partnership framework with UN Women-Maghreb, "the Integrated National Program for the Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls (PIANEF) by 2030", dubbed "Maroc Attamkine", in order to strengthen the institutional framework that promotes women’s empowerment and develops economic opportunities for the benefit of women and girls on the basis of a vision defined in the recommendations of the plan "IRCAM 2".
This meeting, which was attended by several politicians, was marked by the signing of agreements between the ministry of solidarity, social development, equality and family and regional and provincial councils.