During an audience granted Saturday in Kaolack to Moroccan ambassador to Senegal, Taleb Barrada, on the sidelines of a ceremony of presentation of condolences following the death of Sheikh Ahmed Tidiane Ibrahima Niass, caliph general of Tidjane Niass family, Sheikh Mouhamadou Mahi Niass also stressed the long-standing links "existing for centuries between the Moroccan monarchy and the Niass religious family".
He also recalled the deceased's special ties with HM the King and Morocco, which he visited on countless occasions, "links that have never been denied whatever the vicissitudes and trials and which he will strive to maintain and strengthen".
Sheikh Mouhamadou Mahi Niass stressed that the "love and attachment" of his family to HM the King is a constant in the education inculcated to his members.
During the audience, the Moroccan ambassador in Dakar read out the message of condolences addressed by HM King Mohammed VI to the new caliph general following the death of his predecessor on August 3.
The condolence ceremony took place in the presence of Senegalese president Macky Sall and several political and religious personalities from Senegal and the sub-region.
During his address, the Senegalese head of State praised the role played by HM King Mohammed VI in strengthening relations between the Senegalese and Moroccan nations and peoples. He also instructed the Moroccan ambassador to convey his fraternal greetings to the Sovereign.