In his address to the 5th meeting of the ministerial Commission of the government equality plan "Icram", El Otmani stressed that this program reinforces Morocco's resolute choice in favor of the legal and institutional empowerment of Moroccan women - in accordance with the provisions of the 2011 Constitution building the principles of equal rights and freedoms - as well as the Kingdom's aspiration to equity and the implementation of these principles.
The head of government recalled, in this regard, the government program 2016-2021, the first aspect of which is devoted to the objectives of safeguarding the rights and dignity of citizens and promoting freedoms and equality, and which provided for a second government plan for equality (Icram 2) to support the economic integration of women and their empowerment in the field of development.
He noted that Morocco has indeed adopted an integrated public policy on equality, namely the governmental plan for equality "Icram 2", which was adopted at the last meeting of the ministerial commission, held on 20 July 2018, after a year of consultations carried out according to a participatory approach.
This plan is based on a program focusing on results, monitoring and a sectoral approach for its implementation, which should promote effective management of the needs of citizens and reduce social and territorial inequalities, he explained, recalling also the adoption of law 103.13 on combating violence against women.
The adoption of the PNIAEF will thus make it possible to start a new stage that reflects the government's vision in this area, he noted, adding that the program represents a continuation of a multidimensional dynamic initiated by the Kingdom for years through the establishment of the Family Code, the reform of the criminal law relating to the protection of women victims of violence and the promotion of the presence of women in positions of responsibility within constitutional institutions and other bodies.