"The Moroccan authorities are still awaiting for a response to the letter of the Head of Government, from the recipient. The Moroccan authorities are also still waiting for the convincing scientific evidence they have requested," Tribak told MAP.
In terms of form, the letter of the Regional Director does not respond to the correspondence of the Head of Government, said Tribak, noting that the Regional Director "is neither the recipient nor does she represent the level to which the Head of Government addressed his letter". She recalled that the Head of Government sent the letter to the Acting Secretary General of the Organization, not its Director for the MENA Regional Office. "Likewise, he addressed the letter to the headquarters of the Organization in London, and not the Regional Office in Tunis," she added.
At the content level, Tribak went on, the letter "simply repeated the same baseless allegations and gratuitous accusations contained in the report, without providing scientific evidence or objective arguments".