The Delegation continued its action to improve the reception and care infrastructure by setting up new health units, refurbishing the old ones and reinforcing the medical and technical equipment, indicated the report, noting that the number of health units in prisons was 59.
In 2019, the medical supervision rate, the main indicator of health care in prison, was one doctor for every 899 prisoners and one dentist for every 1,167 prisoners, without taking into account contract doctors in the public and private sectors, added the same source, noting that by taking into account this category of doctors, the medical supervision rate rises to one doctor for every 654 prisoners.
With regard to the development of human resources, the DGAPR organized during the year 2019 a total of 10 recruitment competitions for 932 posts, through the creation of 500 new budget posts in addition to those still vacant for the same year, the report stated, noting that this is part of the DGAPR's strategy to strengthen its human capital in order to best respond to the security and correctional missions of the penal institutions.
Concerning archiving, the report pointed out that the DGAPR library has been enriched by numerous books and publications published during 2019, which have been added to the Delegation's publications since 2016.