These measures are intended to resume national production on healthier bases, stimulate local demand by encouraging investment and "consuming Moroccan" and speed up the normalization of the economic and social environment of Morocco, said a statement from the ministry of Economy, Finance and Administrative Reform.
The proposals from economic stakeholders and ministerial departments will be deepened, in view of the ongoing preparation of the draft amending finance bill, the source says, stressing that the recovery plan associated with this amending finance bill will be comprehensive and integrated and should make it possible both to support the gradual restart of the activity of the various sectors of the national economy, in accordance with the planned deconfinement scheme and to meet the appropriate conditions for a vigorous economic revival at the end of the covid-19 crisis.
The strategic scope of this recovery plan should enable the Kingdom to make an important qualitative leap in some structuring fields, including health, education, green and digital energy, while strengthening its attributes of sovereignty and its resilience to exogenous shocks, the ministry explains in a release, noting that this plan should lay the foundations for a "pact for economic recovery and employment", which will be the expression of a common ambition shared by all stakeholders (State, Companies, banking sector and social partners).
Regarding the resumption of economic activities after Eid Al Fitr, the members of the CVE recalled that the state of health emergency does not mean the cessation of economic activity and that all economic actors must ensure strict compliance with barrier measures and safety conditions detailed in the guides of the CGEM and the sectoral federations.
All economic activities could restart except those banned by the administrative authorities, it says, adding that the ministerial departments in charge of the various sectors will ensure, in coordination with the relevant federations, the monitoring of the implementation of these rules as well as a wide communication in this regard.