A statement by the head of government's department said that El Otmani praised the officials of five units operating within the ministry, whose work mainly revolves around the supervision of market supply and monitoring of the prices of basic foodstuffs, the manufacture and distribution of masks, and products that have become a priority during the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, notably those used by medical staff such as overalls, shoe covers, headgear and other protective equipment which are in high demand in these circumstances.
These units also monitor all manufacturing operations, as well as the quality and working conditions in plants operating under these conditions, in order to ensure the health of employees while guaranteeing the availability of products in sufficient quantities, said the statement.
It noted that during this visit, El Otmani told the press that specialized executives are working tirelessly to monitor all manufacturing operations related to this current situation.
While commending the team working in these units, he stressed that the government is endeavoring to ensure the availability in abundance and appropriate distribution of consumables, medical and paramedical products, including masks in adequate quantity and quality.