In a clarification issued in response to allegations made by a website about "Reducing landline telephone access to one minute " for inmate M.Z., incarcerated at the Al Arjat 1 local prison, and the "blood tests he underwentt on a regular basis", which, according to the website, raised concerns about his state of health, the prison administration explained that the inmate enjoys all his rights guaranteed by law, including the right to weekly use of the prison landline telephone for two 10-minute calls each.
The prisoner also benefits from family visits and a weekly visit from his lawyer, added the same source, noting that due to his age, the prisoner benefits from health monitoring by the facility's medical staff, and even outpatient consultations carried out from time to time. It is in this context that he underwent medical tests, the results of which were normal.
The clarification also noted that the prison administration's role is limited to providing the inmate concerned with the necessary medical follow-up, whereas his state of health is a matter that directly concerns the inmate and the prison doctor or external physician, without the administration interfering.
The prison administration expressed surprise at involving the General Delegation of Prison Administration and Reintegration in the issue of the prisoner's state of health, and at the allusion made by the aforementioned website to what it considers to be a concealment of the prisoner's state of health. It also expressed its determination to take legal action against the website after publication of these tendentious allegations, knowing that the website has made a habit of resorting to this kind of practice.