Speaking at a recent conference at the Canadian Parliament on "The impact of women from the African diaspora on the economies of Canada and Africa", the diplomat cited several examples of success stories by inspiring African women, regretting nonetheless the obstacles that still stand in the way of many women from Africa, such as the non-recognition of diplomas acquired outside Canada, or certain discriminatory practices based on gender, religion or race.
Otmani also pointed out the many socio-professional training opportunities available to African women in Canadian society, according to a statement by the Moroccan embassy.
She praised the North American country's policy in favor of women's emancipation, citing its support for empowerment and socio-economic integration programs for women and girls in several African countries, including Morocco.
The conference was held as part of the second Impact Diaspora Summit, organized from November 17 to 19 by the Canadian organization AfricaDevelopment Network, with the active participation of the Kingdom's embassy.