For those wishing to contribute within Morocco, BAM specifies that donations can be made at its branches and agencies, as well as at the branches of the Kingdom's General Treasury and collections.
Donations can also be made at commercial bank branches through ordinary or instant bank transfers, cash payments, or by check, using the following RIB: 001 810 00 780 002 011 062 03 18.
Checks should be made out to the "Fonds spécial pour la gestion des effets du tremblement de terre ayant touché le Royaume du Maroc" (Special Fund for managing the effects of the earthquake that hit the Kingdom of Morocco), according to the central bank's instructions.
For those making transfers from abroad, contributions should be directed to the beneficiary's IBAN MA64 001 810 00 780 002 011 062 03 18, with the SWIFT code BKAMMAMR, as provided by BAM.
The creation of the Special Fund number 126 have been carried out on the high instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI as part of the national effort to implement emergency measures to mitigate the impact of the earthquake that has affected several regions of the Kingdom.