The meeting, focusing on migration crises and opportunities, was organized at the initiative of Gustavo Pacheco, a member of the Andean Parliament, and Jorge Montoya, a member of the Peruvian Congress.
Morocco's experience in the field of migration was presented by the Moroccan Ambassador to Peru, Amin Chaoudri, who began by recalling that the Kingdom had "sovereignly decided to implement a new migration policy based on a humanistic, coherent and comprehensive approach, which includes measures in key sectors such as education, health, housing and social assistance."
This new policy also includes vocational training and employment, the management of migratory flows and the fight against human trafficking, in line with the objectives enshrined in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, signed in Marrakech in December 2018.
After recalling Morocco's privileged geographical position at the crossroads of two continents, the ambassador stressed that Morocco has evolved from being a country of emigration and transit to a host country for migrants from different regions of the world, particularly the Middle East, Asia, Europe and, above all, sub-Saharan Africa.
"At the beginning of the millennium, Morocco undertook an in-depth reflection on immigration, understood as a cross-border phenomenon with responsibilities at three levels: national, regional and international," the Moroccan diplomat added, recalling that the 2011 Constitution includes five articles devoted to issues related to the management of the residence of foreigners, non-discrimination and equal rights.
In line with the guidelines of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, migration had become "a driver of innovation and prosperity", which had led Morocco to regularize the situation of thousands of migrants as early as 2013, guaranteeing them access to public services such as education, health and social security, the Moroccan diplomat praised.
The National Strategy for Immigration and Asylum has established an appropriate institutional framework in line with respect for human rights, focusing on four strategic objectives: responsible integration, regulation, institutionalization and management of migratory flows.
This vision, continued the Moroccan Ambassador, sees immigration as an opportunity and addresses challenges in areas such as integration, foreign policy, governance and the economy. It also defines 27 specific objectives, focusing on the promotion of rights, international cooperation, and better regulation and coordination in the field of immigration and asylum.