Following talks with Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki, Acheampong told MAP that "Morocco, which has a great deal of expertise, has a lot to share with countries on the continent, particularly Ghana", expressing his desire to further strengthen cooperation between Rabat and Accra in the agricultural field in order to mutually seize the opportunities that abound in both countries.
The Minister also praised Morocco's commitment to food security in Africa, citing the strategic role of the Office Chérifien du Phosphate (OCP), the world's leading phosphate exporter.
For his part, Sadiki expressed his department's readiness to further consolidate Morocco-Ghanaian bilateral cooperation in the agricultural sector, notably through the exchange of best practices.
In a statement to MAP, the Minister said that the meeting, held in the presence of the Kingdom of Morocco's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Agencies in Rome, Houda Ayouch, was "an opportunity to examine ways of boosting the implementation of the memorandum of understanding linking the two countries", announcing that "a joint committee will be set up to speed up its execution".
Held on the sidelines of the 43rd session of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the talks also provided an opportunity to address several issues of common interest, namely value chains, agricultural production, training and research, the blue economy, irrigation and food systems, he stressed.