This proposal was formulated by the Kingdom at the opening of the thematic meeting on humanized border management held within the framework of the Rabat process, whose Presidency is held by Morocco during the year 2023.
The Rabat Process is a framework for regional dialogue involving 57 countries from the North and South, focusing on migration, development and protection.
The drafting of this Regional Charter on humane border management is in line with the High Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI for the implementation of a humanist, inclusive and supportive migration strategy, which places respect for the rights and dignity of migrants at the heart of migration governance.
The Kingdom's proposal is fully in line with His Majesty King Mohammed VI's leadership at continental level, with several strong and bold initiatives that have marked regional and international migration governance, such as the African Agenda for Migration and the African Migration Observatory.
Speaking on the occasion, Khalid Zerouali, Wali Director of Migration and Border Surveillance at the Interior Ministry, said that "the Rabat Process today constitutes a label of pride uniting all the members and players in this pioneering framework for dialogue, which crystallizes the full maturity of a collective regional effort."
Zerouali also stressed that "humanized border management in its broadest sense is an innovative concept that decompartmentalizes migratory paradigms and brings them into line with each other, in particular respect for migrants' rights, beyond border procedures, and the fight against migrant smuggling networks and human trafficking.”