The convincing and promising results obtained by Morocco in the field of Gender Budgeting, thanks to a highly praised mobilization and involvement of the ministerial departments in close collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, should not, however, lose sight of the specificity of the gender budget, lose sight of the specificity of the current context fraught with challenges in relation to the effects imposed by the succession of multidimensional crises (health, geopolitical and climate, among others)," Lekjaa stressed at the regional conference dedicated to the GBS organized under the theme "Gender Responsive Budgeting: Public Finance as a Driver of Change for Equality."
In a speech read on its behalf, Lekjaa specified that the Ministry of Economy and Finance has embarked on an uninterrupted dynamic in the service of a close accompaniment of ministerial departments and public institutions for an implementation and appropriation of the provisions of the organic law on the Law on Finance (LOF) in the field of gender mainstreaming in their programming and budgeting practices, considering that this dynamic has been fully consolidated with the creation and operationalization of the Center of Excellence for Gender Responsive Budgeting in 2013 and with the adoption of the Organic Law on the Finance Law in 2015.