"Contrary to erroneous figures, the number of cases subject to the procedure of abandonment of post and dismissal for exceeding annual leave outside the national territory and unjustified abandonment of post, reached during 2022 and in the first half of this year 38 officials," the DGSN said in a statement.
The same source adds that four other police officers received no administrative sanction, due to the presentation of medical and hospitalization records justifying the extension of their stays outside the national territory.
The DGSN points out that the administrative investigations carried out by the inspection and human resources management departments concluded that all the above-mentioned cases had "unjustifiably abandoned their posts for personal or family reasons, and not for professional reasons or working conditions."
With a view to ensuring exemplary management of its human resources, the DGSN recalls that it has issued a memorandum on the supervision and regulation of annual leave taken outside the national territory, with the aim of guaranteeing civil servants' right to annual leave and the continuity of public service.