Speaking at a two-day seminar organized by the Public Prosecution Office under the theme "Children in a situation of mobility in Morocco, assessment and determination of their best interests, challenges and prospects for sustainable solutions", Daki stressed that foreign children enjoy all the rights conferred to their Moroccan peers, including criminal protection from any violation or abuse, thus benefiting from the same protective measures while taking into account their best interests.
Daki stressed at the opening session of this workshop organized in partnership with UNICEF-Morocco and the support of the European Union (EU), that the Moroccan legislator has worked to guarantee its children their civil rights including the right to identity, thereby allowing their registration, regardless of their status at birth, based on the observation that the right to identity is the key to enjoying all rights guaranteed to children.
The Kingdom of Morocco, he added, has ensured to fulfill its international commitments so that immigrants enjoy without discrimination the rights granted to Moroccan citizens, in accordance with the constitutional provisions and the various legal texts, in particular Law No. 02-03 on the entry and stay of foreigners in the Kingdom of Morocco, emigration and illegal immigration.
Aware of the importance of this issue and given the centrality of the powers conferred on it by the constitution and the law in terms of protecting the rights and freedoms of groups and individuals, especially vulnerable categories, Daki noted that the Presidency of the Public Prosecution Office has been involved since its independence in a continuous dynamic of developing its performance in terms of protection of children, including immigrants.