In the fourth quarter of 2022 (Q4-2022), the index of import unit values recorded an increase of 17% compared to the same quarter of 2021, said the HCP in its recent note on foreign trade indices.
This increase is mainly due to the rise in unit values of "energy and lubricants" by 33.2%, "half products" by 24.8%, "food, beverages and tobacco" by 19.6%, "finished consumer products" by 9%, "finished industrial equipment" by 6.4%, "raw animal and vegetable products" by 18.6% and "finished agricultural equipment" by 19.9%, said the same source.
For its part, the index of unit values for export has posted a rise of 10.7% during Q4-2022 compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year, which is mainly due to the increase in unit values of "semi-finished products" of 8.1%, "finished industrial equipment" of 37.6%, "raw materials of mineral origin" of 40.8%, "raw materials of animal and vegetable" of 19.4% and "energy and lubricants" of 10.5%.