The workshop, chaired by Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki, who was accompanied by the WB Director for the Maghreb and Malta, Jesko Hentschel, focused on the achievements and key lessons of cooperation between the World Bank and the Ministry, priority areas of cooperation and prospects for cooperation.
Speaking on this occasion, Sadiki praised the quality of relations with the WB, which is at the forefront of international technical and financial institutions that accompany the development and modernization of the Moroccan agricultural sector.
The contribution of the World Bank in support of the development and modernization of the agricultural sector has exceeded 1.13 billion dollars since the launch of the Green Morocco Plan (PMV), said the Minister, adding that the support of the WB to agriculture is also materialized by technical assistance and analytical contributions.
The WB is one of the first donors to support the new Generation Green strategy through two programs for nearly 4 billion dirhams. These are the Generation Green support program and the irrigation resilience and sustainability program.
The first program aims to strengthen rural youth entrepreneurship, modernize marketing channels, promote exports and promote climate-smart practices and the second program aims to strengthen irrigation governance, improve the quality of irrigation services and improve access to modern irrigation technologies.
Another program, Strengthening Agribusiness Value Chains, developed during the implementation of the Green Morocco Plan and ending in 2023, supports key infrastructure for the modernization of these value chains. Including the Great Hydraulics modernization project, which closes in 2022, the World Bank's total active portfolio amounts to $780 million.
The workshop was attended by senior World Bank officials and ministry officials.