This literary anthology, produced at the initiative of the Embassy of the Kingdom, is a compilation of prose produced by 35 Argentine writers friends of Morocco, who have pooled their narrative talent to bring the two countries closer.
The 174-page digest features five distinct sections focusing on the themes of immigration, childhood, love, friendship and travel. Each of the five sections is introduced by stanzas by Moroccan poet, writer and politician Bachir Edkhil.
This anthology is a book of "stories full of fantasy and human meaning that outline two cultures and draw a poetic accolade of brotherhood between the writers of our two countries," Morocco's ambassador to Argentina, Fares Yassir, wrote in the prologue.
This book, he added, takes the reader on "a journey through our wonderful landscapes, through the pain or joy that the new life brings to the immigrant and through childhood, friendship or love."
"History between two shores: Morocco and Argentina", published by "Punto de Encuentro", was compiled by Fares Yassir. The edition was coordinated by the poet and writer Emiliano Pintos and corrected by scholar, writer and poet Mariela Palermo.
This second anthology book is part of the intercultural project "Argentine Poets friends of Morocco." The first anthology was published in May 2021.