The willingness to fulfill this growth potential is "well and truly palpable", while experience shows the existence of "a real interest" in cooperation between the two countries, Scheurer noted while speaking during a webinar organized by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) under the theme "Free Trade Agreement EFTA-Morocco: how does it work?".
"Today already more than fifty Swiss companies are established in Morocco and operate in the food sector, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry but also electronic devices," he added, noting that the free trade agreement EFTA allows Swiss and Moroccan companies to take advantage of much opportunities and customs facilitation in this area.
After recalling that Morocco is the third most important trading partner of Switzerland in Africa and that the total volume of bilateral trade reached 555 million Swiss francs in 2020, Scheurer stressed that this volume is "important" but remains "below the real potential of economic relations between the two countries”.
In this regard, he underlined the need to focus on missions of exploration by economic operators, to explore this potential and establish "the perfect complementarity between the two economies”.
In addition, the ambassador praised the efforts made by the Moroccan government to improve the business climate, ensure economic resilience during the Covid-19 and especially for having developed concrete measures of recovery, which according to him, have been "effective".
For his part, Lahcen Azoulay, Moroccan Ambassador to Switzerland, noted that economic relations between Morocco and Switzerland have experienced in recent years "an incredible momentum", notably thanks to a "solid" legal framework, including several cooperation agreements.