According to figures released Monday by Hassan Aghmari, representative of the Minister of the Interior to the Central Commission for the census on military service, the number of young people who completed the census procedures relating to military service under the year 2022 has been established at 178,166 against 133,820 in 2019.
At a meeting of the said Commission, Aghmari stressed that the number of young women who volunteered for military service has reached 29,013, or more than 16% of all young people surveyed, against 13,614 in 2019 (10.17%).
The number of young people, male and female, who volunteered for military service has reached 99,060, more than 29% female, against 66,990 in 2019, including 20% female, he said.
On this occasion, Aghmari recalled that the provincial commissions responsible for deciding on applications for exemption from military service met from 16 to 22 February 2022.