Speaking at a meeting with the press on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of AFD in Morocco, Mezouaghi stressed that the year 2021 has seen the implementation of major structuring projects, noting in this sense that the Agency supports in particular the reform of the Kingdom's social protection which will reduce inequalities in access to health care by accompanying the integration of 22 million additional people in the Compulsory Health Insurance (AMO) scheme.
"It also backs the national strategy +Forests of Morocco 2020-2030+ whose objective is to preserve and strengthen the ecosystem services of the forest and national parks while developing local employment (ecotourism, agroforestry)," he added, stressing that the Agency has also strengthened its support for the implementation of gender budgeting, a structuring policy in favor of equality.
After recalling that one third of the Agency's 2021 commitments support social sectors and the fight against social inequalities, Mihoub said that AFD has diversified its offer by backing the Kingdom on innovative projects, including the implementation of a State Startups device within the Moroccan administration. Mihoub said that AFD has diversified its offer by supporting the Kingdom on innovative projects, including the implementation of a State Startups mechanism within the Moroccan administration, support to the National Foundation of Morocco’s Museums (FNM), through a pan-African program for capacity building and exchange of experiences in the museum and heritage professions or in the field of Sports with the educational program "Basketball Experience."
Referring to the various projects with impacts for Moroccans, the official highlighted the more than 150 projects financed by the AFD Group since 2010, for access to water, sanitation and energy in the social sectors, agriculture and biodiversity, transport, social and solidarity economy, or in favor of gender equality.
He pointed out that by the end of 2021, the projects supported by the Group have enabled the enrolment of 31,000 students, including 14,000 girls, the professional integration of 95% of the young people trained in the Institutes under Delegated Management, the saving of 1 million tons of carbon emissions, access to a sustainable sanitation service for 240,000 people as well as the commissioning of a tramway in Rabat and Casablanca for 1 million users (44% of whom are women).