"As part of the diversification of its communication channels and the facilitation of its interactions with users, and in application of the provisions of Law No. 55-19 relating to the simplification of procedures and administrative formalities, the Tax Directorate has deployed the conversational agent 'chatbot'", the DGI says in a press release.
This virtual agent, which is based on artificial intelligence, makes it possible to interact with users in two languages (Arabic and French) on a 24 hour/7 day basis and to assist them in their procedures. It thus completes the assistance system in place (call center, online appointment booking and e-complaints).
This first version of the "chatbot" was designed to answer the most recurring questions relating to "SIMPL" online tax services, with a view to gradually extending its scope to other aspects related to taxation.
The "chatbot" is available on the DGI's internet website at "www.tax.gov.ma" and the "Daribati" mobile application.