The document was sent to ministers, deputy ministers, high commissioners and the general delegate, to work on the achievement of its content, said the Department of the Head of Government in a statement.
"Awrach" program consists of two parts, including a main component relating to "temporary general sites" that will be implemented gradually during 2022, with the achievement of objectives set at the end of the year. For the second component, it concerns the sites to promote sustainable inclusion nationwide, the statement noted.
Nearly 250,000 people will benefit from this program throughout the period of its implementation in 2022 and 2023, under the contracts of "Awrach", according to the same source.
These contracts will be concluded by associations, cooperatives and companies, through applications and work contracts, especially in favor of people who have lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic and those who have difficulties in accessing the labor market, without eligibility requirements.
The program "Awrach", to which the government has allocated a budget of 2.25 billion dirhams for the year 2022, is part of the operationalization of the government program 2021-2026 regarding the support of people who lost their jobs and face difficulties of access to employment opportunities.
The implementation of the program will be done through partnerships including ministerial departments, public institutions, local authorities and territorial communities, as well as associations, local cooperatives, in addition to private sector companies.
The temporary general worksites, dedicated to about 80% of the total number of beneficiaries of this program, aim to meet the infrastructure needs of citizens and to carry out works and activities of a temporary nature that are part of the public utility and sustainable development.
These include road construction, restoration of monuments and public buildings, tree planting, preparation of green spaces, the fight against desertification, digitization of archives, cultural and sports activities as well as educational supervision.
Regarding support for sustainable inclusion, it is aimed at nearly 20% of beneficiaries and seeks to achieve a number of objectives, including services for individuals, families and society, which are experiencing a deficit in some regions, including literacy, primary education, care for the elderly, sports and cultural activities, school meals and paramedical services.
This program should allow beneficiaries of temporary public worksites to receive a monthly income at least equal to the minimum wage, to benefit from social security coverage including family allowances, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, a framework aiming to develop skills and abilities, in addition to obtaining, at the end of the site, a document from the employer to increase the chances of subsequent integration in similar economic activities.
The State will also bear the expenses related to wages, the employer's share and insurance against accidents at work under the social coverage.
In addition, the program will enable beneficiaries of support workshops for sustainable inclusion to receive an integration of at least 24 months with an income at least equal to the minimum wage, to benefit from social security coverage including family allowances in accordance with the laws and regulations in force and to acquire work experience, the statement underlined, noting that the State will provide employers with an incentive grant to stimulate employment of an amount of 1,500 dirhams per month for a period of 18 months for each beneficiary.
Concerning the governance of "Awrach”, a system has been established to manage and support the implementation of the program, and is based on the establishment of a strategic committee, a steering committee at the national level, a regional committee and provincial committees at the territorial level, according to the same source.
The strategic committee will ensure, under the supervision of the Head of Government, to determine the strategic orientations of the program, while the program steering committee, resulting from the strategic committee and chaired by the Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills, will ensure the implementation of these strategic orientations.
In addition, a regional committee will be created at the level of each region and will be headed by the Wali of the region and will ensure the proper implementation of the program at the regional level. Provincial committees will be created at the level of each province, headed by the governor, and which will ensure the implementation of the program at the provincial level.