President of the INPPLC, Mohammed Bachir Rachdi said at a press conference Tuesday in Rabat, devoted to the presentation of the annual report 2020 of the Authority, that this new phase of the fight against corruption must be based on the principle of the rule of law.
Under the new development model (NMD), transparency and responsible governance make this phase essential to meet the legitimate expectations of citizens, said Rachdi, adding that the publication of the annual report of the INPPLC comes in an exceptional context characterized by the conjuncture of a set of indicators and the commitment to deep reforms, to ensure citizens dignity, fair access to their rights and the response to their legitimate aspiration to a prosperous life.
The president emphasized that the NMD is at the forefront of these strong indicators, noting that it calls on various institutions and actors in the country to translate its provisions into deep reforms and bold public policies.
He added that the NMD makes responsible governance, the promotion of integrity values, transparency and the fight against corruption, a fundamental basis for achieving the objectives and a guarantor of the credibility necessary for the consolidation of trust and the widest possible mobilization.