Women account for 40.7% of migrants, says HCP in a note on the results of the national survey on forced migration, which covered a sample of 3,000 migrants, including 800 refugees and asylum seekers.
This rate reaches its highest level among migrants from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with 53.8% and Côte d'Ivoire (53.6%), while the lowest ones were recorded among those from Guinea (27.6%), Mali (29.9%) and Central Africa (32.8%), the source underlines.
The survey also shows that just over two out of five migrants are young people aged between 15 and 29 (42.5%), while an almost equivalent proportion of migrants is aged between 30 and 44 (43.7%).
The share of people aged 45-59 is 12%, while a tiny minority is aged 60 and over (1.7%).
According to the same source, more than half of migrants (54.1%) are single and 36.2% of them are married. These proportions reach respectively 55.7% and 38.2% among men and 51.7% and 33.2% among women.
The average household size of migrants is 4 people, the source says, noting that this size is higher among Senegalese (6 people), Syrian (5), and smaller among those from Central African (3), Cameroon (3) and Côte d’Ivoire (3).