Several political and associative actors and representatives of associations and coordinations of Moroccans in Spain have underlined, in statements to MAP, the importance of this noble Royal initiative, which has, once again, reflected the high solicitude of the Sovereign towards the Moroccan community abroad.
Hicham Chergui Mouhssine, president of the General Coordination of Moroccans in Spain, said that his NGO welcomed the royal initiative with "great pride".
This royal decision will facilitate the return of Moroccans to the homeland, especially after an absence of two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he told MAP, noting that this noble Royal initiative takes place at the right time given the expensive price of tickets.
Hilal Tarkou Lahlimi, president of the Association of lawyers of Moroccan origin in Spain, noted that the initiative of HM the King was welcomed with great pride and relief by the Moroccan community abroad, adding that the Royal Instructions show the unwavering solicitude of the Sovereign towards Moroccans both at home and abroad.
After expressing his gratitude to the Sovereign for this noble humanitarian gesture towards Moroccans around the world, Mr. Tarkou Lahlimi stressed that this approach has confirmed the attention paid by HM the King to members of the community living abroad who have been deprived for two years of visiting Morocco and meeting their families and loved ones due to Covid-19.
For his part, the president of the ALIF Intercultural Center for Coexistence in Madrid, Said El Harti, said that the High Royal Instructions to facilitate the return of Moroccans to the country at affordable prices were widely welcomed by the Moroccan community in Spain which expresses its gratitude and thanks to His Majesty for this noble gesture.
This Royal decision confirms, once again, that the Sovereign is always listening to His people and attaches particular interest to responding favorably to their concerns, he added.
His Majesty the King has kindly given His very high instructions to the competent authorities and to all stakeholders in the field of transport, in order to work towards facilitating their return to the country at affordable prices.
The Sovereign has ordered all stakeholders in the field of air transport, in particular the company Royal Air Maroc, as well as the various actors of maritime transport, to ensure reasonable prices that are within everyone's reach, as well as to ensure a sufficient number of rotations, in order to allow Moroccan families abroad to return home and reconnect with their families and loved ones, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
His Majesty the King has urged all tourism operators, both in the field of transport and the hotel industry, to take the necessary measures to welcome the members of the Moroccan community living abroad in the best conditions and at the best prices.