During this session, chaired by Ahmed Reda Chami, President of the Council, Benmoussa stressed that the new development model calls for sharing wealth and providing opportunities for all, developing the capabilities and competencies of citizens, promoting inclusion, social justice and equality, as well as preserving resources in territorial areas.
In order to achieve this ambition, Benmoussa emphasized five future bets in strategic areas, namely research, innovation, digitization, energy and finance, and the “Made in Morocco” brand.
He said that the report proposes guidelines on key development issues, referring in this regard to the strategic axes of transformation, namely a productive and diversified economy that creates jobs of value and quality, opportunities for inclusion for all, a unified social link, and enhanced and qualified human capital to address future challenges.
For his part, Chami expressed his pride in the contributions of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council since 2019 in the implementation of this major project, as well as his participation in the work of this committee, highlighting the reports and recommendations of the Council, which were considered as a reference for crystallizing the directions of the new development model.
Chami also voiced the council's determination to convey the concerns and aspirations of civil society and its proposals, praising the work done by Mr. Benmoussa and all members of the committee to make this promising national project a success after several months of cooperation and collective thinking.