Speaking at a press conference devoted to the presentation of the report of the Committee, Benmoussa noted that the document has much emphasis on how to overcome the difficulties of implementing this model, based on a common frame of reference to give substance to many objectives.
To ensure an optimal implementation of this project and a permanent commitment, said the CSMD Chairman, the report proposes two mechanisms to set this Development Model in motion, one of which is a National Pact for Development, which is meant to be a moment of consensus and commitment of the Nation's active forces around an ambition and a reference frame shared by all.
This pact would be the tool for a renewal of the relationship between the State and development actors (political parties, constitutional institutions, private sector and social partners, territories and third sector), he said, adding that accountability, empowerment, subsidiarity, partnership, sustainability and inclusion are the keywords of this renewal.
The National Pact for Development could be adopted in a solemn way by the concerned actors and constitute a strong moral and political commitment before His Majesty the King and the whole Nation, he noted, adding that this pact would pave the way for a new historical stage in the country's development path, as much in its symbolism as in its strategic vocation and functionality.
The second mechanism recommended by the CSMD provides for the establishment, under the direct authority of His Majesty the King, of a tool to monitor the new development model.
By ensuring overall coherence and strategic alignment, this mechanism will hold stakeholders accountable and enhance impact for citizens, while creating a synergy that transcends the duration of government mandates for broad mobilization in the context of consensus, he said.