Based on a collective intelligence approach, this vision draws on the strength of the long-standing links between the Monarchy and the People, which has been the basis of the major transformations that have marked the development course of our country throughout its history, underlined Benmoussa in a speech before HM King Mohammed VI during the presentation ceremony of the general report of the CSMD.
A forward-looking vision based on the millennial history of the Kingdom and a rich and plural national identity
Benmoussa indicated that the Committee proposed a forward-looking vision which is based on the millennial history of the Kingdom, the rich national identity of the diversity of its components as well as on its religious values based on the principles of openness, moderation and dialogue.
He said that the development model is based on a national ambition to propel the Kingdom, in different areas by 2035, to the top third of the various world rankings of Nations.
This ambition, mirrored in development objectives, would allow the Kingdom to foster its vocation as a model for its region and well beyond, he added, noting that the Committee's report is the result of ideas, reflections and proposals made and developed by Moroccans, with Moroccans and for Moroccans, as HM the King had asserted.
The achievements made by the Kingdom, in a multitude of fields, make consensus among citizens as well as all the living forces of the Nation that were heard by the Committee, he added, noting that these achievements constitute important levers for building the future.
Benmoussa underlined that the citizen and institutional listening sessions revealed the area that remains to be covered, by highlighting the concerns related to social mobility, with the resulting social fractures.
A crisis of confidence in certain institutions was also expressed clearly, he noted, specifying that if these concerns do not alter the feeling of belonging to the Nation, they do fuel demotivation, loss of faith in public action and the feeling of frustration worsened by the gap between promises and their actualization on the ground.
Benmoussa said that the Committee has identified four obstacles that are causing the current model to falter, namely the lack of coherence between the strategic vision and public policies; the slow pace of structural transformation of the economy; the limited capacities of the public sector in terms of the implementation of public policies; and the weight of constraints that restrict initiatives.
Rooting citizenship values and attachment to the Nation's unwavering values
According to Benmoussa, these strategic choices of the new model also concern the strengthening of human capital and the activation of the social lift by acting on the building of capacities thanks first of all to an efficient and effective health system, capable of producing essential drugs and vaccines, in order to anticipate the management of risks induced by health crises, the occurrence of which could increase in the future.
He also pleaded in favor of an education-training system that prepares future competences, as part of a Moroccan educational renaissance where the student is a priority and ensures full mobilization of teachers within fully empowered establishments, maintaining that the school must also play its role in rooting the values of citizenship and attachment to the Nation's unwavering values.
In order to consolidate the social link, the Committee recommends strengthening the inclusion of all citizens, in particular women and young people, through empowerment and wider participation, while ensuring the implementation of a more effective social protection, in accordance with the High Guidelines of HM the King, and by promoting cultural diversity, as a lever of openness, dialogue and social cohesion, said Benmoussa.
"It is also recommended to establish the role of the territories, as a place of establishing the dynamic of sustainable development, and to ensure the improvement of the living conditions of the populations through a housing offer in accordance with the standards of quality and accessible local public services," he said.
Along with these strategic choices, the Committee recommends five future bets that could make Morocco a regional hub in the field of higher education, research and innovation; a digital nation; a world leader in competitive and green energy; a continental financial hub and make the "Made in Morocco" label a means of enhancing the Kingdom's assets and a lever for greater integration into global value chains.
A national pact and a monitoring and stimulus mechanism for the success of the development model
To initiate the dynamic of change, Benmoussa went on, the Committee recommends mobilizing two main levers namely "the renewal of the administrative apparatus in its competences and methods, in parallel with the sectoral reforms which are necessary" and "the massive use of digital technology to improve the quality of public services, strengthen transparency, fight against corruption and consolidate state-citizen trust".
He considered that the operationalization of the new model requires strong management to ensure general mobilization and an optimal capacity for implementation and monitoring, noting that two mechanisms are submitted to the High Appreciation of HM the King.
"The first mechanism is a National Development Pact, which would aim to establish the new model as a common frame of reference for all living forces in their plurality," said Benmoussa, noting that "the second is a monitoring and stimulus mechanism, under the direct authority of His Majesty the King, with the mission of supporting strategic long term projects and backing the management of change".
He explained that this mechanism would be opportune to hold the actors concerned accountable and would strengthen the efficiency of public action for the benefit of all Moroccans.
This mechanism, he noted, is part of the balance of powers provided for in the Constitution and the role of the Monarchical Institution, as the keystone of the State, holder of the vision of development, long-term strategic projects and the monitoring of their implementation in favor of citizens.
Benmoussa underlined that the report of the Committee noted that the Kingdom, under the insightful leadership of HM the King and thanks to the exceptional potential at his disposal, is able to mobilize its population and its living forces to consolidate the bases of an open, fair and equitable society, which strengthens the capacities of its citizens and guarantees opportunities for all, in the service of the country's development and a better world.
An ambition, a doctrine and strategic choices
Benmoussa indicated that among the objectives of the development model are the doubling of the gross domestic product per capita by 2035, the strengthening of the capacity of the national economy to create decent jobs and the significant reduction of social and territorial inequalities as well as the guarantee of a basic education of quality and a generalized social coverage, in accordance with the High strategic and structuring guidelines initiated by HM the King in the field, in the month of Ramadan.
To reach this expected course, Benmoussa said that the Committee recommends a new organizational doctrine to strengthen joint action and confirm the commitments of actors, noting that this organizational doctrine is based on the complementarity between a strong State and a strong society.
"A strategic State, a protective State, a regulatory State which releases the energies of all actors. A plural, mobilized, free and empowered society which boosts the empowerment of individuals and groups that make it and actively works in favor of the defense of the general interest and the promotion of the values of citizenship", he explained.
Benmoussa noted that this doctrine will establish a creative balance between public policies supported by the State over time and local dynamics with its margins of action, conducive to experimentation and innovation.
"This doctrine, in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution and the Royal Vision, is reflected in principles of action; it determines the role and commitment of public, private and third sector actors in the development trajectory of the country, and places them in a framework of trust that releases energies and empowers them," he said.
In order to achieve the set development objectives, the Committee recommends strategic choices, underlined Benmoussa, specifying that it is a matter of laying the foundations of a strong and competitive economy, able to create sufficient wealth for all, by freeing the entrepreneurial initiative and spurring the productive system.
Strengthen the resilience capacities of the national economy in the post-Covid world
Taking into account the changes that the post-Covid world brought about, the president of the CSMD considered that it is necessary to strengthen the resilience capacities of the national economy in the face of crises and to transform the risks associated with them into opportunities.
"In certain sectors with significant economic weight, such as agriculture, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the issues of food sovereignty and sustainability", he noted, adding that in a sector such as tourism, it is necessary to anticipate and adapt to changes in global and national demand.
Benmoussa also underlined in this context the recommendations of the Committee relating to the promotion of an effective health system, the fostering of an education and training system capable of providing the future Morocco with the necessary competences and the setting up of more efficient social protection.